New Homeowner Email Lists & New Homeowner Mailing Lists

by Alice Scott - Updated Apr 01, 2024

About New Homeowner Email Lists & New Homeowner Mailing Lists

New Homeowner Email Lists & New Homeowner Mailing Lists are marketing lists that help Businesses connect with New Homeowners locally and across the country. New Homeowners are often big spenders and need lots of help and services to get settled into their new home. Buy Newhomeowner Lists and connect with people who have recently moved into a new home and who are exploring new services and products in their unfamiliar surroundings.

New Homeowner Email LIsts [2024]

What is a ‘New Homeowner’?

A New Homeowner refers to an individual or family who has recently purchased and taken ownership of a residential property, such as a house or condominium.

This can be their first home purchase or a subsequent one. New homeowners are often transitioning into a new phase of their lives, which may involve moving to a different location, starting a family, or simply seeking a change in their living situation.

Businesses often target new homeowners as a potential customer base because they are likely to have various needs associated with their new home, such as home improvement, decoration, landscaping, security, and other related services and products.

What are New Homeowner Email Lists & New Homeowner Mailing Lists?

New Homeowner Email Lists & New Homeowner Mailing Lists are marketing lists of people who have recently purchased or taken ownership of a residential property, like a house or a condo.

The list includes the New Homeowner’s First and Last Name, their physical mailing address and their email address. Our Lists have both the mailing address and the email address for each newhomeowner, so you can perform targeted direct mail and email marketing.

The New Homeowner Email Lists come in an easy-to-use Excel file spreadsheet format.
The New Homeowner Email Lists come in an easy-to-use Excel file spreadsheet format.

How many New Homeowners are there each week?

264,075 New Homeowners have purchased a Home in the Last Week. Here are the Top 10 States for New Homeowners:

Top 10 States # New Homeowners since 05/27/2024
CA 25,809
TX 23,745
FL 23,140
OH 10,814
IL 10,170
PA 9,155
NC 9,083
GA 8,570
NY 8,479
TN 8,359
TOTAL 137,324


250 50c $ 125.00
1000 40c $ 400.00
5000 30c $ 1,500.00
10000 25c $ 2,500.00
25000 20c $5,000.00
50000 18c $ 9.000.00
New Homeowner Email Lists Pricing

Search Criteria & Demographics

When you buy new homeowner mailing lists, you select the geographical area / location that you’d like to target, and then add Demographic selections, if you want to.

If you want ‘All’ New Homeowners you would skip this step and click Continue.

If you do want a more targeted list, you can add one or more of the following demographic selects:

  • Age
  • Change in Dwelling Type
  • Change in Region
  • Dwelling Type
  • Gender
  • Household Income
  • Move Distance (Distance of Move)
  • Recency of the Move
  • Value of the Home
  • Year the Home was Built
  • Presence of Children
  • + many more
New Homeowner Email Lists & New Homeowner Mailing Lists. Make your List more targeted using demographics like Age, Move Distance and Recency of Move.
New Homeowner Email Lists & New Homeowner Mailing Lists. Make your List more targeted using demographics like Age, Move Distance and Recency of Move.

Accuracy & Updates

How often are the New Homeowner Email Lists & New Homeowner Mailing Lists updated?

Our new resident mail lists are updated daily, as new home purchases occur.

We also update our database every 7 days and every 30 days using USPS approved CASS, DPV and NCOA address verification software.

The email addresses are updated frequently throughout the year, and a final time at the point of sale. So, that means, when you buy newhomeowner lists, you get the most up to date and valid email addresses possible.

How accurate are the New Homeowner Email Lists?

We take great pride and care in maintaining the quality of our data, as it is the core of our business.

Our New Homeowner Email Lists are routinely updated throughout the year, as new information becomes available. During these updates, old email addresses get updated or removed and new, valid email addresses get added.

We also perform one final list cleansing at the time you purchase your email list. This final email address verification process validates all the email addresses on your email data list. So, after this validation process, your list is as accurate as possible, resulting in higher conversion rates and less unsubscribes.

Although we go to great lengths to frequently clean and update our databases, they will always contain a small number of undeliverable mailing addresses & emails, aliases, out of date information and data errors that are beyond our control.

On average, you can expect to receive the following accuracy rates:

  • New Homeowner Mailing Address & Demographics – 95+%
  • New Homeowner Email Address – 90+%

Can I select how recently the New Homeowners have purchased a Home?

Yes! You can choose to target all New Homeowners who have purchased a home in the past 1 year in your area, or you can narrow down to people who purchased within a certain date range:

  • 7 Days
  • 30 Days
  • 60 Days
  • 90 Days
  • 120 Days
  • 180 Days
  • 1 Year
  • or set a Custom Date Range

What You Get

Data in your List

When you buy Consumer Email Lists, you get to download your List as an Excel (.csv) file format that includes the following:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Physical Mailing Address
  • Demographics (ex. Receny of the Move etc)
  • Email Address

Phone Numbers

Yes! You can buy newhomeowner lists with or without Phone Numbers. If you’re interested in Phone Numbers, please Contact Us for more information and Pricing.

List Format

The New Homeowner Email Lists come in 3 easy-to-use List Formats:

  1. Excel file format
  2. PDF Label Format
  3. Printed Peel & Stick Mailing Labels Shipped to You

What to Expect

Mailing Address + Demographics

  • 95+% Newhomeowner Mailing Address Accuracy
  • Updated daily
  • USPS Approved Address Verification
  • NCOA + Cass + DPV

Email Address Verification

  • Triple Email Address Verification
  • Point of Sale Verification via NeverBounce
  • 90+% Email Address Accuracy

Satisfaction Guarantee

  • 3 Easy to Use Formats: Excel, CSV file spreadsheet, PDF for printing Labels, and Printed + Shipped Mailing Labels
  • If you make a mistake, don’t worry! We will edit your List and make sure you get the right list, at no extra charge

Customer Support

  • Email Lists Experts with 5+ years experience
  • Finding the right prospects can be tricky. We can help.


Can I get an Email List for New Homeowners in my area?

Yes! You can get a list of New Homeowners by zip code, city, county or state, or you can target people who live in a certain number of miles from your Church or Business.

You can build and buy your New Homeowner Email List on our website by clicking on the button below. We accept all major Credit Cards.

Or, if you prefer, feel free to call us and a List Expert will assist you over the phone.: 1 866 306 8674

Find New Homeowners near you by selecting a radius around your address. Any New Homeowners who have recently purchased a residential property in this area will be on your New Homeowner Email List.
Why should I buy a New Homeowner Email List?

According to New Homeowners spend more money on local services and home contractors in their 1st year, than any other year.

New Homeowners are eager to get settled in and make their new home as comfortable as possible.

So, if your business can help them get settled in more quickly, they’ll want to hear from you. Start marketing to New Homeowners near you, and you could gain a new, loyal customer !

What types of Businesses can benefit from marketing to New Homeowners?

New Homeowners want to hear from their new community, neighborhood Churches, restaurants & other local businesses that can help them get settled and feel more comfortable in their new home.

New Resident Mail Lists are most popular with the following Organizations and Businesses:

  • Churches
  • Restaurants
  • Furniture Stores
  • Home Decorating Stores
  • Home Improvement
  • Cleaning Services
  • Handymen
  • Child Care Services
  • Dentists
  • Doctors
  • Gyms
  • Yoga Classes
  • Gardeners
  • Painters
Can you help me Print + Mail my New Mover Direct Mailers?

Yes! Need help with your Direct Mail New Mover Marketing? We’ve got you covered. Save time and let us print and mail your customized direct mail marketing piece for you. We offer full direct mail and mailing services and a variety of mailers, including Postcards, Flyers and Tri-Fold Brochures.

See All My Direct Mail Options

Should I use a professional Email Marketing Service to send out my emails?

Yes! We strongly recommend using a professional email marketing service to deploy your emails.

These are some of the top reasons for using a professional email deployment service to send out your email campaigns:

  • Professional Templates: Use professionally designed email templates that deliver better results
  • Email Content: Increase readership with recommended content
  • Integrations: Use helpful integrations to improve success
  • Email Metrics Reports: Track your email marketing efforts easily with email metrics reports that display important results like click-throughs, website visitors, and bounces etc
  • Tried and Tested Subject Lines: through a/b testing email services track the best Subject Lines and make recommendations. Take advantage of these suggestions, and boost your Open Rates with great ones.
  • Powerful CTA: The CTA (Call to Action) in your email is one of the most important elements. Follow a well designed email template and CTA, and watch your goals soar.
  • Reputable IP : Professional email deployment services have much more reputable IP addresses, than personal email accounts, like Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail etc. This means that more of your emails will hit your customers’ inboxes, and you’ll experience a more successful campaign when you use a professional service.

However, some email services allow you to send bulk emails to third party contact lists, some do not.

Please contact your email service directly if you have questions regarding their bulk email deployment rules.

I’d like to learn more about email marketing and email marketing best practices – can you help me?

Yes! Please Contact Us to request a copy of the LeadsPlease Email Marketing Guide, which includes tips and information about email marketing and best email marketing practices.

Why Should I Buy a LeadsPlease List?

Not all data sources are the same. Only trust the Best! LeadsPlease was voted the Best List Broker Overall by for the last 4 years in a row!

New Mover Lists
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Voted "The Best
List Broker
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95+% Accuracy 
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210+ Million Pros-pects in the USA Find the right prospects using the largest database
3 easy-to-use list
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